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Welcome to the Coalition of Alabamians Reforming Education's web site
For information on the conference go to our Links page
CARE's Story
CARE has members who have spent decades in the struggle for educational equity and progress, but CARE itself was started in 1993. It grew out of a workshop on the condition of public education at a convention of the Alabama New South Coalition (ANSC), a multi-racial statewide political organization. From this workshop various members of groups such as the ANSC, the 21st Century Youth Leadership Movement, NAACP, Alabama Arise, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Project LEAP, and the Alabama Legislative Black Caucus organized a summit on education and CARE was born. That same year a Montgomery Circuit Court judge ruled that the Alabama public school system was still inadequate and inequitable [soon we will have a link to a copy of Judge Reese's order; see Favorite Links page for organizations listed above and other relevant resources]. |
Who Are We
CARE is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) coalition of individuals and groups that share the goal of creating a vehicle for the average Alabama citizen to become informed and involved with education reform in Alabama. We are active in many parts of the state with important demonstration projects in Lowndes, Sumter and Hale counties. Our work on the central issue of tracking -- so-called ability-grouping results in an unjust sorting process that perpetuates separate and unequal education -- has been nationally recognized. If you believe that all children can learn, then work with us to move Alabama's children "from the back of the bus to the front of the class." For CARE, Amilcar Shabazz, Board Chair-CARE |
A history lesson at the Center of Ahmed Baba in Timbuktu, Mali, in West Africa
The historical archives and research center the CARE/21C delegation visited was named for "the celebrated scholar" Ahmed Baba whose exiling in 1591 by the Moroccan pasha Mahmud Zarqun marked the close of the golden age of the Mali empire (750-1591). Here we receive a lesson from a descendent from Ahmed Baba on the staffs that scholars of the University of Sankhore carried like his famous ancestor. More photos from CARE's participation in The Inter-Diaspora Conference on Education of the African Child for the New Millennium (January 2001) can be found on on Photo Page
C.A.R.E. P.O. Box 1290 Selma, AL 36702

Photo by Demetria Shabazz
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